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FTX事件:與Mask Network合作加入FixDAO (Join FixDAO)

作家相片: 尚澄法律小編尚澄法律小編

尚澄法律事務所以金融科技、區塊鏈、Web 3.0業務作為主要發展方向,歷年榮獲錢伯斯(Chambers)及法律五百強(Legal 500)推薦,是亞洲首屈一指的金融科技法律事務所。本次FTX破產事件,包括台灣在內的大中華區(Greater China Region)是全球重災區,我們長年在金融、加密貨幣領域耕耘,感到責無旁貸,在Mask Network的邀請下加入FixDAO,希望能為亞洲的FTX受害人爭取到最佳的權益。

Enlighten Law Group specializes in FinTech, Blockchain, and Web 3.0 businesses, and has been recommended by Chambers & Partners and Legal 500 in recent years. It is one of the leading FinTech law firms in Asia. The recent FTX bankruptcy has affected the Greater China Region, including Taiwan, as one of the hardest-hit areas in the world. As a firm that has long been involved in the financial and cryptocurrency industries, we feel a sense of responsibility to join FixDAO at the calling of Mask Network, in order to fight for the best interests of FTX creditors in Asia.


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